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Introduction of Hemorrhoids(Piles)

External piles

When it comes to external piles, many individuals find the topic embarrassing or inhibiting. However, external piles, medically termed hemorrhoids, is a common condition faced by both men and women. Your risk of developing external piles increases after the age of 50. If you are suffering from external piles, you may experience inflammation in your posterior region, specifically the anus and rectum. External piles leads to inflammation of the veins in the rectal region, followed by swelling and chronic pain. External piles may result from increased pressure on these rectal veins during bowel movement. Another reason for external piles is pressure on these veins in pregnancy and childbirth.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids. External piles are easier to diagnose as they occur on the outside of the anus or around the anus. Chronic pain while sitting down and blood when you wipe yourself are the first signs of external piles. External pile pictures reveal the soft tissue around the anus filled with blood. This causes raised welts or bumps called hemorrhoids. Internal piles, on the other hand, may cause blood in your stools. Always treat this as an alarming sign and consult your doctor immediately.

External piles symptoms.
Some of the external pile symptoms are as follows:

• Irritation in the anal region. Some individuals experience both itching and irritation in the anal region due to the presence of raised bumps and stretched skin tissue.
• Mild to chronic pain in the anal region either while squatting on the toilet seat or applying pressure during bowel movement.
• Increased pressure may allow the external piles or hemorrhoids to distend from the anus region.
• While internal piles lead to painful bleeding while passing stools, external piles lead to painless bleeding that you may notice on the toilet paper or toilet bowl.
• You may also experience swelling or pain in the lumps around the anus.
• Some individuals complain of a white mark on the skin between the cheeks of the anus. While this could be one symptom of external or internal piles, it is best to consult your doctor if you notice such a skin rash.
• In some cases, individuals may experience leakage of fecal matter.

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